Christmas photography at MoksaPhoto!

We have not given Christmas photography or rather do this outside before since our space is very limited in our studio in Hévíz but I can share you the good news that we have a second studio in Döbröce, about 20-25 minutes from Hévíz!

We like the real backgrounds better rather than the painted ones, they give us more flexibility with how we want to apply our creativity. We also picked an unsusual color: white-blue for our decoration since we try to do something special, unique.

You can select from 3 different packages:
Package Time Number of digital photos Number of prints Price
Raindeer 30 min 8 db
(every photo selected above is +2.000 Ft/pieces)
8 pieces of 10x15 cm 25.000 Ft
Santa Claus 60 min 16 db
(every photo selected above is +1.000 Ft/pieces)
16 pieces of 10x15 cm + 2 pieces of A5 45.000 Ft
Star 90 min all photos 20 pieces 10x15 cm + 4 pieces of A5 + 2 pieces of A4 65.000 Ft

Every package includes a web gallery where you can download the images from and/or order prints. Every photo we take gets fine tuning, color balancing, and  minimal retouch if needed.

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